What is the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)?
The University Technology Sarawak (UTS) welcomes applications from persons of at least 21 years of age who do not qualify for admission on the basis of formal educational attainment. In other words, UTS provides an opportunity for adult learners to gain recognition and earn academic credits for their prior learning. Prior learning describes any learning that occurs at the workplace, seminars, home or other than the formal classroom environment.
UTS accepts non-formal enrolment into its undergraduate programmes via APEL. APEL is created to come up with an alternative entry method for those with no formal qualification to further their education to a higher level.

UTS recognizes that preparation for tertiary study is not restricted to formal educational attainment and that valuable intellectual and skills development can be gained through wide-ranging experiences and informal studies. These experiences can be converted into academic credits via APEL. By obtaining such credits, you can accelerate your completion of a university course. On this matter, your case will be considered on its merits on the basis of evidence of achievement and of your interest in and the capacity to work in the broad field of study to which you seek admission.
The knowledge and valuable skills gained by you can be assessed in order to earn an equivalent academic credential at the university level. These credits, however, are granted on the basis of your achieved learning and not the experience itself. It will be measured systematically against the specified learning outcomes of a course. In general, the APEL process involves the assessment of experiential learning. This learning may be acquired through various channels which include formal schooling, work and life experiences, training, independent study, voluntary work, hobbies and others.
How to get APEL?
APEL assessment is conducted by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The systematic assessment involves the identification, documentation and assessment of prior experiential learning of the applicant.
The application for APEL assessment should be made by the individuals themselves. For more information on APEL, it is available at https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel/
Those who are interested have to meet the APEL criteria below:
1. Malaysian citizens;
2. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age in the year of application; and
3. A pass in the Portfolio assessment Aptitude Test conducted by MQA.

If you have any further questions about the application process, we’re here to help.
Please call us at (+6)084-367300 and ask to speak to the Academic Affairs and Registry.