A courtesy visit by UTS delegates to the Legal Profession Qualifying Board (LPQB) office in Kuala Lumpur led by our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohammad Shahril bin Osman.
LPQB is established under Part II of the Legal Profession Act 1976. One of its functions is to decide on the qualifications which may entitle a person to become a qualified person for admission as an advocate and solicitor in Malaysia.
SBM’s law lecturer, Mr Mohd Kamarul Anwar and Mr Charles Ting Jing Shing also joined the discussion.
A big thank you to Puan Nik Rosmilawati binti Nik Yusoff, the director of LPQB, Tuan Syakeer bin Tuan Besar, the Chief Assistant Director of LPQB; Encik Haris bin Abu Bakar, the Assistant Director (Examination Management Section) and Puan Maizatul Akmal bin Abdul Halim, the Chief Assistant (Administration Management Section), for willing to share the meaningful and important inputs to us.